Tabletop Miniature
Chess System
Choose Your
Increase Difficulty.
Take your game to the next level!
Designed to increase the difficulty level of game play. Weaken your opponents with the special bonuses of orange Shield's Spellsand teal's Random Weather. Or, test your Main Hero with grey Monster Hunts and your army with purple Cursed Items.
Contains 64 cards and 1 rulebook: 16 grey, orange, purple, and teal cards; 2 of each type.
Monster Hunt
Earned Upgrades
Grey Monster Hunt cards provide even more experience Upgrades to Main Heroes' stats, if they can earn them.
Outrun a Forest Unicorn? Combat a Desert Minotaur? Defeat the Plains Giant? You'd better, or lose your turn.
Desert Minotaur
Plains Giant
Ocean Imp
Forest Unicorn
Test your limits with local Monsters!
Ash Centipede
Cave Snake
Twilight Bat
Black Dragon
Shield's Spells
Sabotage Strategy
Queens are the most powerful Army Piece on the board and generally magical. Now unlock their full potential with their own 2 Special Bonuses!
Lose a turn? Return to original position? Take two turns? Stunned piece? Careful what you draw.
Sabra's Sharp Shell
Tyrolane’s Queen Clair Voy
Saeline’s Gravity Hunter
Dauntain’s Walking Poplar
Axis’ Crust Husk
Gilgoldea’s War Wizard
Nyrolate’s Grim Reaper
Shyrosck’s Ooze Lord
Special Bonuses for Queens!
Cursed Items
Dangerous Weapons
Army Pieces want the magical power of Main Heroes but they cannot control it. Will the power consume them or help them win the day?
Each Cursed Item has a pro and a con. It may deal devastation upon your enemies... but at a price!
Flaming Fireskull
Talisman of Terror
Haunted Mirror
Unstoppable Icon
Shockwave Spell
Cape of Death
Transform Potion
Skeleton Septer
Magical items for Army Pieces!
The best time for an outbreak of local calamity is when enemies invade. Your army may know how to deal with dilemma but your opponents won't!
Deal damage, stun advesaries, and worse with these random acts of nature. ​
Desert Sandstorm
Lightening Microburst
Tsunami Tempest
Forest Inferno
Volcanic Eruption
Cavern Collapse
Cyclone Monsoon
Sinking Quicksand
Injure Invaders
Prepare for the Storm!