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Duke Dauntain

Lost Elves
Strength: Move Spaces & Fire Range
Difficulty: Balanced Hard

Returning from a vicious battle in which he was sent by his father, Duke Dauntain, the Elvish Prince of the Forest Grove of Lysthorial was at a loss.

The numbers were severely decreased and their moral was low. Even Dauntain's own brother had been mortally wounded and lived only on the brink of death. To add to their distress their Forest Grove home had vanished! Aimlessly, they wandered through the forest looking for signs of their once-proud retreat.


Desperate to keep the moral of his brethren high, Dauntain felt fortunate to locate a powerful ally; a Djin trapped in
a magical vial who offered 3 wishes to the one who freed him. Anxious to employ his power to support the fleeting spirit
of his team, he placed his wishes: Keep his brother alive until they could get him home to receive the healing power of their Elvish medicine, support them in their cause by boosting moral and fighting with them, and help them find their home.

Enslaved by the magic that held him bound, the Djin honored his wishes and joined their quest to help them find their hidden Forest Grove!

To fill the decreasing gaps in the availability of troops, Dauntain was forced to promote some of their younger ranks into the positions of leadership, even though they did not have the necessary experience. This caused some friction between them and the surviving veterans. 

Traveling through the forest, they also befriended some refugee Centars; half-man, half-horse beings who felt they were forced from their homes on the plains by the Knights of Tyrolane. The charging Knights seemed to dot their roaming landscapes until there was no more room for their thundering herds. Needing their space, they migrated to the forests but missed the wide open plains they called home. 

Death Djinn: Queen


up on the shores of the Elvish kingdom, Dauntain forced the Djinn into their service, against its own wishes. 

Walking Poplar: Shield

A massive,

strong, and century-old  poplar tree with a granite boulder embedded in its base and animated by the Djinn.

Needle Trees: Turrets

Men of industry and

A rich resource, the Elves use its razor thorns for blades, sap for poison, and springy branches for their compact wrist bows. The turret’s branches are drawn and released, launching hundreds of poisonous, hand-length darts.


Originally roaming the golden plains, the Centaurs were forced from their homes by Tyrolane’s knights to make way for their natural competitors, the knight’s chollima. 

Elvish Paladins: Rook

These veterans suffered terrible wounds in the volcano-rich lands of their enemies.  

 Utilizing the only available resources to bind their burn wounds, many are wrapped with spider’s web and salved with insect saliva.


 Jesters, scouts, and pages are

 Jesters, scouts, and pages are now all required to step forward and fill the missing ranks as soldiers.

Siege Thieves: Bishops

With the loss of so many troops, these female recruits are forced to fill in for the missing ranks.


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